1 (843) 301-6000 office@ecotechnow.com

How to Navigate Through Disaster Recovery: A Quick Guide

For much of the United States, Hurricane Matthew is barely a memory. For those living in Hilton Head, South Carolina, however, they’re just four months out and still trying to make sense of all the chaos. Several homes and businesses have been destroyed. Many families have had to make arrangements to live somewhere else until their properties are rebuilt. If there’s anything we’ve all learned from this is that we must be prepared for the worst. With that in mind, Ecotech Complete Building Services has put together a brief checklist for homeowners on how to prepare yourself for the next hurricane (and hope that it doesn’t happen!).

1. Have Your Home Inspected

Although nothing can stop a hurricane, you can minimize the damage if all the components of your home are updated and in good condition. A thorough inspection of your home could include the following:

  • Framework and structural stability
  • Siding updates and repair or replacement
  • Windows and window frames
  • Doors and door frames
  • Roofing – includes roofing materials and decking

2. Disaster Recovery Home Protection

What are you using to reinforce and protect the openings in your homes? What about windows and doors? Do you have solid wood protection over the openings? Do you have a supply of sandbags in storage?

3. Documentation

Your insurance policies, emergency contacts, home warranties, and other documentation should be stored in a safe box that can be carried with you if you need to leave quickly.

4. Insurance Updates

When was the last time you talked to your home insurance provider? This should be done annually before the start of the hurricane season (preferably in May). You may need to adjust your insurance coverage to reflect any home remodeling projects you recently completed. Be sure to distinguish between wind, storm, and flood insurance. Get every detail and have a full understanding of what is covered and what is not.

5. Know Your Local Contracting Company

Believe it or not, the first phone you make after your house has been hit by a storm is not your insurance agent. It’s your local contractor. Here’s why: Before any repair is to be done to your home, a reputable, in-state licensed contractor must perform an inspection. Only a professional can confirm what has been damaged by the storm and what has not.

Although a contractor does not take sides (their duty is to report the facts), he or she can be a valuable asset when the insurance adjuster comes around to perform their inspection. Make sure the contractor is there when the adjuster is there. Let them talk it out while you provide confirmation. We suggest that you already have a local contractor in mind. If the threat of a hurricane comes to Hilton Head, call them before the storm arrives to work out any detail. This puts you ahead of all the other homeowners in the area.

6. Storage Units

Another phone number you will want to have in advance is that of a storage company that also provides moving service (or vice versa). If you can’t protect your home, you can take proactive measures to protect most of your valuables including your furniture. A moving company can do the work in half the time and ensure that everything is moved safely. If your house is hit by the storm, you can keep your possessions in the storage unit and simply pay a monthly fee until your home is ready to move in.


If you are looking for a residential or commercial construction company or need a hurricane disaster recovery and repair service in Hilton Head or the surrounding South Carolina area, then contact Ecotech Complete Building Services. You can reach us at 1 (843) 301-6000 or email us at office@ecotechnow.com.